Wednesday, December 30, 2009

angel says

*lebih rajin: lebih pintar memaNage waktu
*gtu aja..
*santainya masih
*tp lbih bs atur waktu
*nah klo lu bs lbih memAnage diri sndiri
*lu bs dikatakan lbi berhasil dinading nilai lu yg naik
*krn maNage diri itU lbi susa dibandingkan dapet nilai bagus loh
*teori gampang si
*prakteknya yg susa

*emg ada bbrp yg Tuhan kasi anugrah gtu sih ya
*ngiri sih ngiri
*tp cb liat sisi positifnya ta
*klo dia nantinya dikasi cobaan dikit
*mungkin ga dia bs nyikapin lbih dewasa drpd lu
*krn ya pengalaman gw nih
*kadang org yg udah kbanyakan berhasil dan emg dasarnya jenius
*lbi ga bs ngerty perasaan org lain
*contoh simpel gini aja deh
*misalnya lu liat ada org dodol bgt
*diajarin bebel ga ngerty2
*rasanya kan jdi mikir ih gtu aja ga bisa.. lbih meremehkan gtu
*sisi positifnya kl lu perna merasakan di bawah
*lu lbi bs mengharga iorg itu kan
*jd lbi bs menghargai proses dibandingkan hasil
*susah lho jaman skg org yg ngeliat proses dibanding hasil
*dan org yg bs liat proses itu nantinya bs lbi berhasil
*krn dia jd tau apa kurangnya gmn cr ningkatinnya bkn cm buat diri sndiri tp buat org lain jg
*ya sih emg susa
*gw jg brasa gtu kok lingkungan ga dukung

*lu dah tau lu ga sepinter mreka mknya hrus lbi keras dr mereka
*kl mereka blajar 1 jam
*yah kamu 2 jam
*krn pd dasrnya kunci sukses kan bkn pinter tp rajin

*blajar bersyukur disaat sm skali gada hal yg baik skalipun
*bner deh ta
*mungkin awalnya org yg berpatokan sm hasil lbi baik ya skg
*tp klo lu knalin kelemahan kelebihan diri lewat "proses blj"
*lu jd tau apa si yg masi krg sm lu
*hambatan apa si gtu
*nantinya bs lbi sukses
*krn lu jd tau persis batas kemampuan lu

Thank you, Angel..

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Autumn Leaves

I'm not talking about winter, which is the season of Christmas, which is just yesterday, anyway. *MERRY XMAS!*

I'm not talking about the pure white colour of snow falling down from the sky.

I'm not talking about the beautiful pink colour of cherry blossom in spring.

I'm talking about the colourful autumn leaves.

I don't know why my eyes find the colour of autumn leaves very appealing.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mimpi dan Realita

Selama membaca Perahu Kertas, saya merasa kembali ke beberapa tahun silam ketika saya masih menginjak usia yang (lebih) muda. Kedua tokoh utama, Keenan dan Kugy, mengajak saya kembali menyelami alam mimpi saya yang sempat tertinggal nun jauh di sana. Kini, lembaran-lembaran itu dibuka kembali sedikit demi sedikit. Semakin banyak lembaran yang terbuka, semakin saya sadarlah pada kenyataan bahwa saya telah menjelma menjadi sebuah robot ber-Tuankan Realita.

Ya, realita sebagai seorang mahasiswi. Pelajar. Tugas seorang pelajar apa? Tentu saja belajar. Saya belajar. Saya mendapat ilmu pengetahuan. Waktu saya 'seefektif' mungkin digunakan untuk belajar. Wah, wah, wah, jadi apakah hobi-hobi saya itu sudah termakan semua oleh sebuah aktivitas bernama Belajar? Atau... Belajar itu hanya sebagai 'topeng' saja?

Sebelumnya, mari kita kembali lagi ke Pada Zaman Dahulu Kala.

Pada zaman dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang gadis kecil yang suka bermimpi. Dia mungkin termasuk dalam kategori pemalu untuk anak seumurannya. Menggambar adalah salah satu cara mengekspresikan dirinya. Mungkin itu satu-satunya hal yang membuat orang lain menyadari keberadaan dirinya. Selayaknya anak kecil lainnya, ia juga memiliki daftar cita-cita yang tak kalah panjang dari gulungan tisu toilet. Salah satunya adalah menjadi seorang Pelukis. Seiring dengan pertumbuhannya, bermain-main dengan warna bukanlah satu-satunya kegiatan yang ia nikmati. Ternyata, bermain-main dengan kata-kata juga menyenangkan, pikirnya.

Melukis dan Menulis.
Menulis dan Melukis.
Tepat sekali, kedua itu yang menjadi sorotan utama dalam cerita yang baru saja habis saya lahap. Kedua itu pula yang sempat menjadi teman saya dalam mengisi kekosongan waktu. Supaya lebih produktif. Sebuah produktivitas yang tidak sekedar produktif, tapi juga dinikmati. Sebuah proses belajar yang tidak hanya produktif seperti kalau mau dekat ujian, tetapi juga dinikmati.

Saat dalam umur belasan yang masih menjunjung tinggi idealisme, berbagai macam angan-angan terlukiskan dengan kombinasi warna-warni, tertuliskan dengan rangkaian kata yang indah, bolehlah saya bermimpi menjadikan salah satu dari kedua teman itu sebagai profesi. Memang bukan sebuah rencana matang, namanya juga mimpi. Memang bukan sesuatu yang sesederhana itu, namanya juga idealisme. Sampai saatnya Realita menjemput dan mengunci mereka di sebuah kotak yang saya sendiri tidak tahu apakah saya bisa membuka kotak itu kembali atau tidak.

Tujuan tulisan ini bukan untuk mencaci-maki jalan hidup yang telah membawa saya di jurusan ini. Bukan. Lagi pula, memang tidak ada tujuannya mencaci maki, karena memang saya sangat bersyukur dengan jurusan ini. Saya bersyukur karena Realita yang menjemput saya adalah Realita yang juga merupakan bagian dari diri saya.

Namun, selama tiga semester ini saya dibutakan oleh Realita yang benar-benar realistis. Saya tidak lebih dari sekedar robot. Saya tidak pernah menorehkan coretan warna-warni dan kata-kata di atas lembaran putih lagi. Yah, kalau kata-kata okelah masih ada blog ini. Tetapi untuk melukis, saya tidak pernah lagi. Saya bahkan tidak tahu apakah tangan saya ini masih mampu. Atau, jangan-jangan ia sudah kaku oleh rumus-rumus dan angka-angka.

Tetapi yang namanya realita ya juga realita. Kalau dilihat keseharian saya selama berkutat dengan rumus, angka, belum lagi ditambah dengan kegiatan esktrakulikuler, dan saat berleha-leha di dunia internet, memang 'agak mustahil' kalau di sela-sela 'kesibukan' saya itu, saya bergambar-gambar ria. Atau, sebenarnya sempat, namun semua 'kesibukan' itu hanya saya jadikan alasan saja? Atau, memang beginilah Realita?

Ada satu kutipan yang menarik dalam perjalanan saya dengan Perahu Kertas itu. Kira-kira begini bunyinya, "Berputar menjadi seseorang yang bukan kita, demi menjadi diri kita lagi." Contoh, Kugy dalam kisah itu bercita-cita menjadi seorang penulis cerita dongeng. Namun, jika kita cukup pintar mengamati selera pasar sekarang, cerita dongeng bukanlah bisnis yang menjanjikan, apalagi untuk seorang pendatang baru seperti dirinya. Jadi, demi mendapat sebuah 'nama', ia menulis cerita yang lebih dewasa dengan gaya bahasa yang sama sekali bukan dirinya. Setelah mantap dan sukses dengan karirnya, barulah ia kembali mengejar mimpinya menjadi penulis cerita dongeng. Di sinilah saatnya ia membuka kunci dari kotak yang dibawa oleh Realita. Melepaskan mimpinya dari kotak yang terkunci. Meraih mimpinya, dan menjadi dirinya lagi.

Suatu saat di masa depan, (semoga) saya bisa membuka kembali kotak itu.

"Berputar menjadi seseorang yang bukan kita, demi menjadi diri kita lagi."

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Book Worm

I love books, but unfortunately I haven't been having (enough) time to satisfy my needs as a book worm since I went to college. Sometimes, they're just there, left out on the shelves. Sometimes, I'm just too busy to keep other things on track. Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not that busy though. It's just I didn't use time 'wisely'. I was too focused on other things, leaving my interests behind. I'm just a robot.

Today I just finished reading My Sister's Keeper. Probably, the best book I've ever read this year. Well, since I only read one romantic-and-cliché story before in this year, no wonder it's the best. But yet, it really is a great book. My emotional nerves couldn't help to 'not producing the salty liquid' (oh forgive my phrase. i know it isn't cool) when I was reading the last chapters. Well, of course it isn't the only thing what makes it great. I'm not a good book reviewer so I'll skip this one and I'm not going to spoil the storyline either.

Let's move on..

Today, I bought Perahu Kertas. I'll start the adventure with Keenan and Kugy tomorrow, maybe after I have my morning bicycle ride.

I hope that after Keenan and Kugy, I can still explore another adventure, because.. it's been a long time since I haven't enjoyed this one of my hobbies.. What a pity me..

I think I should put this into one of my resolution in 2010 : give more time for them, not only for those thick text books or lecture notes.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Santa Claus

I know I'm too old for this kind of thing.

I don't wish for Santa Claus to come on Christmas' eve and bring me a Christmas present, but I used to when I was a little girl. I used to believe that Santa Claus would come if I had been a good children throughout the year and brought me a present. That night I remember I wrote a note for Mr Santa on a white board hanging on the wall beside my room's door. I put my shoes in front of my door and went to sleep. I knew that when I woke up the next day, I'd find my presents there. And yeah, I found them. My little bro got one too. I'm 6.5 years older than he is, so yea, you know, I might be a little too old for this kind of thing at that time too. LOL.

Two consecutive Christmases passed like that. I enjoyed it a lot, even though I knew sooner or later that Mr Santa was no more than a hoax. I think I was a bit disappointed. I wasn't mad. I think I laughed soon after my parents made the confession. I wasn't mad at them either. At that moment, everything became clear. How did Mr Santa come into my house? The doors and windows were locked. We had no chimneys.

Just now I was browsing a topic in a forum discussing whether you want to tell your children or not about the existence of Santa Claus. I know I'm way too early for this. LOL. Well, from the point of view of someone who once had believed in Mr Santa, I'd oppose those who wants to banish this kind of fairy tale. I was taught to wish, to dream, and to hope. I didn't know that the world was not as beautiful as I imagined them to be. Genocides, racism, terrorism, wars, etc, etc, etc. I soon learned that Mr Santa only exists in the Dreamland far away from the world I was destined to be born. But I didn't regret that I made friends with him, even though only for a short period of time. Even now sometimes I wish I could go back to those ages, where I could dream as wild as I wanted them to be. Having dreams is what makes your life alive. Sometimes we were just a living dead by monotonous routine everyday. What were dreams in the past remain dreams. We forget that we were once a children who have that innocent smiles. And yet, we grow up, consumed by reality, leaving those dreams behind. Reality, decisions, targets, deadlines, competitions, etc, let them be our new buddies.

What about our dreams? I think I've lost it somewhere on my way here.
but anyway, I'm living my life. I guess I just want to make it realistic.
I'm wondering where that little girl had gone?
Maybe she's just not that little anymore...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I have "two heads" now.
not a teenager any more,
so I should act more like an adult, shouldn't I?

Am I really that mature?
as mature as my age is now, 20?

But the fact is,
I was so excited when I heard that Toy Story 3 is coming this June 2010,
so I guess, I haven't grown up that much, huh?

I know deep inside
I still have the child's spirit inside of me
It's not bad, is it?
Yet, it's not good either, in some cases.

And I also know that deep inside
I also have changed
in some ways, compare to who I was when I was still in my childhood, my younger age
and I hope the change is for a better one.

I can't say I'm mature enough,
in fact,
I will be, and yeah, I am, growing up
little by little
slowly but sure

Life is a long journey
No matter how far you go
No matter how hard you struggle for living
The sun always rises in the east of every bright morning
Even when it rains, you know it's there, behind the dark clouds
When you see darkness blocking your way out
doesn't mean there's no way out
It's just.. you just have to try harder to get rid of those clouds in front
The light awaits beyond

So I guess, the older you are, the darker the clouds are?

Monday, December 7, 2009


Oh tidak.
Tiba-tiba saya merasa tua.
Hari ini hari terakhir menghirup udara sebagai anak umur belasan tahun.
Besok, kepala saya sudah ada dua.
Pertanda sudah (lebih) tua.
Tapi, saya masih berjiwa muda.

My Short Term Memory is Loading...

Yeah. Holiday is here. I am here, at my home sweet home.

This morning I woke up after 10 hours of nice beauty sleep. Cooked Indomie. Washed the dishes. Then headed upstairs to turn on my laptop, and.. Here I am..

Yesterday I read all of my posts in this my dearly blog to find out that I have a very such called, a short term memory. I (almost) never remember that I had written some of the posts, some of the stories that I had experienced. If it wasn't because of you, my dearly sweet blog, I might just have forgotten it. Erased. No memories. So, now I'm loading some of the files containing my experiences, my feelings, and my life in the past 5 months. I don't want them to be forgotten. Well, at least, I'll try to write everything in details as much as I can remember.

Let's start with...

1. Kakiku
Uppss..jangan salah sangka kaki gw patah gara2 jatoh dari lantai 5 ya. (amit2..) Jatoh sih iya. Tapi, ga tau kenapa tiba2 lutut gw terasa sakit. Sewaktu itu sedang berjongkok, lalu tiba2 berdiri, dan... jatuh. Ugh, ga lagi deh. Beneran deh, walaupun masih bisa jalan, tapi sakitnya itu. Gw ga bisa jalan normal. Jalan gw terpincang-pincang. Nih, buat mengilustrasikan keadaan gw dulu, waktu gw mao nyebrang, gw membutuhkan waktu sebanyak lampu hijau untuk pejalan kaki menyala. Seriusan, dari mulai ijo, sampe bener2 merah lagi. Oke2, cukup untuk masalah sakit2nya, karena toh sekarang saya sudah sembuh dan bisa berpijak dengan normal. Yang ingin gw tekankan adalah,.. "Take a good care of EVERY PIECE of your body"... dan bersyukurlah atas apa yg kita punya.. Udah di kasih kaki ya, pakelah buat jalan. Jangan mengeluh capek, jauh, panas, dll. Masih untung punya kaki!

2. Blood Donation
Yeah, finally! :) I wasn't rejected for this time. My previous experience with blood donation wasn't so really nice. (u can read it here) but this time was like... whoww.. i dunno how to describe it. The night before, I was really excited (weird?). It wasn't really painful. In fact, I didn't feel anything because they already injected anesthetic before. The real shock was when I saw my own blood there, right beside me. I mean, I don't have any phobia of blood or anything, but seeing your own blood in 'such' amount by your own eyes is not... really 'entertaining'. I turned back my head, decided not to look at my right hand until it was completely finished. But afterwards I felt a great of satisfaction in my self that I never felt before :) well, who doesn't? when knowing that you just have saved three lives :) The 'pain' and the 'shock' is just worth it :)

3. My Mentor
.... is retiring this year, or.. next year... :( so sad.... It means... by the time I reached my final year, I would have a different mentor??? Nooooooo! >,<

4. F1
Yea, I became one of the volunteer in F1 Night Racing Singapore 2009 ^^ My duty was to sell first aid kits containing of ear plugs and ponchos. It was tiring but fun. Too bad, I was assigned in Gate 1, I couldn't see the cars passing by :( but that's not really a problem. Favourite quote of the day : " I can smell the burning tyres."

5. ....
Can't loading anymore....

Oh, forgive my STM.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


WHAT SHOULD I DO?????????????????