Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Memory in November..

One day in November..

We walked side by side again..

We stared at each other's eyes..


Did did you realize?

It was the last time..

to create such wonderful moment..

that in the end of our path..

We had to say good bye..

Our last good bye..

It's now treasured in my memories..

Let it be my last memory..

With you..

One day in November..

Monday, September 22, 2008


Apa yang terjadi di hari esok, aku tak tahu
Apa jadinya aku 10 tahun lagi, aku tak tahu

Apa yang ku tahu?

Semua begitu tak pasti
Tak jelas

Adakah seberkas cahaya?
Yang menuntunku keluar dari ketidakpastian ini?


Selalu ada pintu keluar dari sebuah labirin..
Selalu ada jawaban yang menunggu nun jauh di sana..

Ataukah mungkin...
Jawaban itu sudah ada..??
Namun, aku yang tak menyadarinya..?


*ditulis iseng2..

Kisah yang tidak biasa, namun tak luar biasa..

Di malam senin ini ku ingin bercerita..
Tentang seorang manusia bernama Riesta..
Yang sedang merayakan suka cita..
Bersama si Thomas Calculus tercinta..

Kemarin pada hari minggu..
Ia melakukan sebuah perjalanan baru..
Tanpa persiapan terlebih dahulu..
Hanya berbekal peta gratis .. kukuku..

Dimulailah petualangannya..
Chinatown jadilah awal mulanya..
Setelah perjalanan yang tak tentu kemana arahnya..
Sampailah ia di Orchard bersama temannya..


Di malam senin ini..
Ia sendiri di sini..
Ditinggal roomie yang mengungsi dari sini..
Jadilah ia menulis ini..

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Recess is not coming..It's come!

yeah yeah. finally. i have the chance to get up late tomorrow (what? "tomorrow"? haha), yeahh!

just now i've finished my subcomm orientation camp. it's fun! hope i can contribute something and do well as a subcomm^^ yup2.

hmm..what am i gonna do in recess? of course, sleep a LOT! haha. and then, tralala-trilili~~ ^^

i can't wait for thursday to come. and then, leave this little room, gather with my family, (eventhough it's only for a short period of time), spend time together, and enjoy my holiday!wew, is this really a holiday? not really actually, i have a chem quiz in the following week after recess, but no need to worry now. haha.

tonight, my dearest roomate doesn't stay here. hiks hiks. so, i'm alone in my room now... but, that's not a big problem. because.. it's RECESS time!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

I have Faith in you..

"U should have d exact same faith 2 urself as what I have 4 u,then u'll definitely achieve every goal u have..N surely,we SHOULD give our best.I mean,we're not in other countries only 2 play around..N since u're not that kind of person,I know u WILL make it!!"

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

my mentor.

finally, today i've met my mentor. in my school (CEE), the mentees should meet their mentors one-to-one at least once in every semester. if not, i can't see my grades later.. so there i was.. emailed my mentor, arranged the date, then finally met him.. at first, i didn't know whether it was a he or she because i couldn't tell from the name. i was kind of confused whether i should write "Dear Sir", "Dear Madam", or both.. "Dear Sir/Madam".. haha. but that's not the point of my post today.

okay. yeah. after having lunch together with my friend who also wanted to see her mentor (not same as mine), both of us went to CEE building. after we seperated, i looked for my mentor's office. it wasn't difficult to find. i knocked the door. then, i heard someone said "yeah, come in".. i opened the door. and taa daa.. it's a he.. haha. fortunately, i wrote "Dear Sir" in my email...;p

i introduced my self. he gave me a piece of paper to sign the attendence, and of course..! the 2 GB USB.. haha!

he knew i'm from indonesia, maybe from my name. he asked about hall, roomate, food, homesick, etc.. he's very friendly. and looked wise.

the chit chat went like usual until he asked about how i did in the subjects? was i able to cope with them all? i said, yeah, not too bad, i'd learnt some of them in my high school, but maybe for economics, i had a little problem (actually, BIG! haha. but i think i said 'little') as i didn't have any background in econs..

then, he said. "nah. that's the problem." no no, he didn't mention anything about econs. what he meant was the math, physics, chemistry, which i've learnt in high school. that's your problem. students who come here usually have had background from their A level studies or high school. that's why they don't spend much time to study. and finally, when they're in 2nd year, as they'll learn something really new, they are in trouble, because they still spend the same amount time to study like in their 1st year. yeah, i should warn you from now. the study habit in university is also different as what you did in high school. you should spare some time of your weekend to study also..

yeah. i think that is likely as what he said. and i think it's true.. i know, i should give extra time, but... still.. haha. well, at least i'm doing my best^^. i'll keep that in mind, Sir.

almost of the time he was the one who talked, with some advices, of course.. he also mentioned that students who have their heart already for CEE, usually will do good. it's different from others who come to CEE just because they don't get to other couses they wanted. he asked me which one was i? said i was the one who came for CEE. (even though i put acc as my 1st choice. haha. but, really, i wasn't going for acc. thx God i'm in CEE! but, i skipped this part to him). then, he said, "that's good." and somehow, i added that i wanted to take architecture at first. but he can understand my situation, as there is no architecture in ntu. surprisingly, he also said that being an architect was his dream 24 years ago.. haha.

and yeah. that's it..^^ some small talk with my mentor..

i have no classes for the rest of the day. hmm what am i going to do?

Monday, September 15, 2008


The hard time we encounter
The harder it becomes
The hardest it seems to be


I know I'm not alone
You know you're not alone
No one is doing it alone

Under the same sky
We're fighting
for what the best of us all

Wherever we stand
Whatever the land
We should understand
that it doesn't lead to an end

We are together
Together we struggle
Struggle for our future
Future for our lives
Lives to live
Live to survive

Don't be afraid..
We are together..

Don't be afraid..
Because we're gonna win..

You're not alone..
We do it together..


fiuhh.. akhirnya quiz fisika berhasil dilewati dengan 'sempurna'.. haha, rasanya ga berlebihan kalo gw memakai kata 'sempurna'. karena, imajinasi gw tentang quiz itu berlebihan sekali.. haha. takut banget. walaupun bnyk yang bilang, soal quiz ga bakalan lebih susah dari tutorial, tetep aja gw ga bisa tenang sebelum melewati hari ini. dan.. yeah! i did my best. thx God. :)

skrg jd tambah ga sabar nunggu recess ;p

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Not sure, for sure..

I said I was afraid.

I said I could not.

I said it was not going to end.

But, it has ended.

Ended, for sure.

But, is it a happy ending?

Not sure, for sure.

See you in our own happiness..

Saturday, September 6, 2008

(rajin) belajar..

suatu sabtu tepat jam 8 pagi, alarm hp ku berbunyi. hmm, memang cukup pagi untuk sebuah hari sabtu. tapi, tak apalah. toh, aku sudah menyelami lautan mimpi selama 8 jam + 1 jam.

segera ku bangun. tak lupa ku merenung dulu tentang apa yang terjadi selama 5 hari ini, dan dan tak lupa berterima kasih. aku segera menekan tombol on di laptopku. dengan windows live messenger yang muncul, aku mencoba online.. dan, tak ada orang di sana. sepertinya, mereka semua masih berada dalam alam mimpi masing-masing, seperti rumetku..;p kucoba tuk menimbulkan bunyi seminimal mungkin, supaya tak mengganggu.

lalu, aku mengecek fs, fb, dan blog walking sebentar.. rupanya, aku hampir melupakan tujuan utamaku tuk bangun lebih pagi. yah. BELAJAR. aku serius. aku mau belajar. bukan belajar menulis. bukan belajar meng-edit profile fs atau layout blog. tapi, belajar FE 1002, alias fisika.. dan, kalian lihat sekarang.. apa yang kulakukan? aku malah menulis..

waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul 9.15. artinya kira-kira 1 jam sudah waktu terbuang. atau, sama dengan waktu tuk mendengarkan 1 lecture. fuuhh. mungkin, salah 1 dari kalian menganggap aku sudah gila. atau, kiasu. mungkin, ada yang beranggapan aku stres dengan lingkungan sini. tapi, kalau mau jujur, aku tidak merasa demikian. aku masih menikmati hari-hariku di sini. dengan pelajaran yang bejibun banyaknya, yang masih harus dikejar, diulang, dan soal tutorial yang menumpuk..

aku rasa..aku ingin mempertanggungjawabkan atas semua kepercayaan yang telah keluarga dan teman-teman berikan padaku. aku tahu pasti, papi, mami, dedek, oma, opa, dan semuanya sudah memberikan doanya untukku. supaya sukses di sini. dan.. rasa bersalah kalau tidak belajar itu sering kali muncul.. rasanya, tanggung jawabku terhadap mereka, terutama orangtua, sangat besar.. dan karena itulah, setiap waktu kosong, sebisa mungkin dan yah kalau bisa lah, digunakan untuk mengulang pelajaran. tapi.. apa yang sesungguhnya terjadi? aku merasa aku masih belum bisa mengatur waktu dengan benar. buktinya, pelajaran yang belum tersentuh masih menumpuk. soal tutorial masih menggunung. dan, lihatlah aku sekarang, malah nge-blog.. haha.. godaan internet di sini sangat amat, amat sangat... uuhhh.. ;p

karena itulah teman-teman, sebaiknya aku off dulu. dan segera log-in ke edventure, membuka rekaman lecture kemarin..haha

alasan kenapa harus belajar :
1. tidak mau mengecewakan keluarga... (mulia sekali............;p)
2. udah bayar uang sekolah mahal-mahal
3. mengisi waku luang ............................ ;p

Friday, September 5, 2008

Lack of Ideas

I'm lack of ideas.
I have no idea what to write.
I feel that I've forgotten how to write.
To write a poem, or anything.
I feel that my creativity is fading.
What's going on me?????????

I don't want to be alone..

I don't know where I'm going to..
I don't know when my journey will end..
All I know is..
I don't want to be alone..
I don't care about what they say..
I don't care about how things are going..
All I care about is..
I don't want to be alone..
I don't want to be a superstar..
I don't want to be a millionaire..
All I want is..
Not to be alone..

Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Layout!

it took me almost forever to choose the suitable layout.. fiuuhhh. i've wasted around 1,5 hours.
hope u'll like the new layout!

finally, tomorrow is friday! and, friday means a day before saturday! yay! i'm gonna meet my grandma and grandpa again this sat^^

well, dun have anything to write right now. gotta go and study (hopefully..........)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's Raining...(again)

it's raining again. and, i'm alone again in my room. haha what a pity me.. i was reading my physics textbook, trying to find out what it is all about.. then, i heard the sound of rain.. yay, it's raining!! i grabbed my laptop back, turned it on, and here i am.. such a perfect time to blog..

what the good (or bad, is it?) thing is that i want to stay in my room all day long right now.. too lazy to take out an umbrella to go out there. i still have an archery basic course at 5pm. and a subcomm meeting at 7.30pm. sounds quite busy (haha. sok sibuk), but hopefully it will encourage me to try to manage my time to study efficiently... haha. but there're still a ton of subjects to catch up. and i don't think i can do it all one time in a row... haha.

as time passes by, i'm starting to get used (or already?) to this new environment. yeah, one month already. and, i feel that my frequency to send sms or call my family in indo is not as often as before.. haha. but, it doesn't mean i've forgotten them all! really miss them so much! pheww.. still 3 weeks to meet my mom, dad, and bro.. still 3 months to go back to my home sweet home..^^

gotta stop right now. if i don't. i'll make "All the things I miss from My Homecountry" in a loooooooooooong list.