Sunday, December 13, 2009

Book Worm

I love books, but unfortunately I haven't been having (enough) time to satisfy my needs as a book worm since I went to college. Sometimes, they're just there, left out on the shelves. Sometimes, I'm just too busy to keep other things on track. Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not that busy though. It's just I didn't use time 'wisely'. I was too focused on other things, leaving my interests behind. I'm just a robot.

Today I just finished reading My Sister's Keeper. Probably, the best book I've ever read this year. Well, since I only read one romantic-and-cliché story before in this year, no wonder it's the best. But yet, it really is a great book. My emotional nerves couldn't help to 'not producing the salty liquid' (oh forgive my phrase. i know it isn't cool) when I was reading the last chapters. Well, of course it isn't the only thing what makes it great. I'm not a good book reviewer so I'll skip this one and I'm not going to spoil the storyline either.

Let's move on..

Today, I bought Perahu Kertas. I'll start the adventure with Keenan and Kugy tomorrow, maybe after I have my morning bicycle ride.

I hope that after Keenan and Kugy, I can still explore another adventure, because.. it's been a long time since I haven't enjoyed this one of my hobbies.. What a pity me..

I think I should put this into one of my resolution in 2010 : give more time for them, not only for those thick text books or lecture notes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell me why I truly find ur constantly reading textbooks & lecture notes highly admirable. x)))