Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Christmas 2008!

Yeah, Christmas almost comes. I'm going to church (Santo Laurensius) tomorow with my dearest family.

I've just recalled one of my memories in the past Christmas when I was still a young little girl. I used to believe The Santa Claus legend that he would to come at Christmas night and give me a present if I had acted good enough in that one year. Plus, my parents supported that theory and promised that Santa Claus would come to give me a present while I was sleeping. They said that I should leave a note on my shoes. Write down what I wanted to have. You know what, I wrote A LOT of things! Candies, chocolate, new shoes, clothes, cookies, etc.. I put my shoes in front of my room, not forget to put my note on it. Then. had a nice sleep. When I woke up in the morning, I found something on my shoes! Yeah, Santa Claus did come. But how he came was a mistery till now. Haha. Because he never actually came. And, I was a fool in that 2 years until my parents told me what EXACTLY happened. That there was no Santa Claus came for me.
Hahaha. It's so funny to recall my some of my childhood memories of Christmas. I always expected new things for me. I was such an egoist kid that time, I think. Always wanted something new. And the next minute, get bored of it.

Now, I've just finished shopping some new stuffs with my mom. Oh, my.. I guess I become more and more hedonist these days. And, that's not good. I know. I know that we should celebrate Christmas as simple as it is. It is the day that Baby Jesus Christ was born. It;s actually more than new clothes, new shoes, but new us..

Time to relfect how our life has been going. And, be thankful for what had happened. Learn from past experiences.

Yap. Christmas is coming!

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