Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Jush finished taking a cold shower. Looks like the cold water that flowed had flushed away all my sickness. Heh, what a mood. changed so quick.

I didn't know what happened. I just suddenly felt sick of everything. I didn't log in to my msn, fb, edventure, and webmail. I just wanted to go away from anything related to this place, its people, and what's going on here. I was just too sick (and I still am) with all this life. I don't mean that I'm not grateful with all of these, but I just need a break. Yeah, maybe that's because antisocial part of me had just come out again from its hideouts. I just need time to calm down. I just need to be human, for once a while.

Still got 3 quizes for the rest of this week. 2 for tomorrow, and 1 for the day after tomorrow. Material science and Math are waiting for tomorrow. And yeah, I'm still blogging. It doesn't mean I haven't studied at all. I studied, in fact, A LOT. That's why I'm sick of it. And need a break. Wew, I just pray that I will do well in the tests and get good results, for what I have prepared all this time. I do my best, let Him do the rest... :)

Today I just make a decision, not to tak a single room for the next semester, and hopefully for the rest of my semesters here. I think it's clear why. Yeah. What would I become if I take single room? I will just lock in my room. Stuck with computer, internet, lecture notes. Oh come on, what a life. And in fact fortunately, I and my roomate get along very well, despite that thousands of differences between us. Happily, she's very open-minded. We can exchange our thoughts and broaden our perspectives.

Recess is coming in few days, but I'm not too excited.

Okay. gotta go and go back to my dearest friend, Convergence, Divergence, Atoms, Dislocations, Crystalline, Diffusions, etc..

See you.

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